This is Paweł's webpage.

This is my webpage. I work as Professor for Human-Computer Interaction at TU Wien. This page contains HCI stuff.

Latest posts

Apr. 1, 2024

I moved to Vienna!

I am happy to report that as of April 1, 2024, I work as a Professor and Head of Research Area at TU Wien. I am honoured and humbled for new adventures together with the HCI Group. These are exiting times as I get to grow my group and establish new labs dedicated to HCI research.

Feb. 2, 2023

New year, new project

I am lucky to start the new year with an exciitng new project called “PAPACUI: Proficiency Awareness in Physical ACtivity User Interfaces“. The project comes with funding from the Swedish Research Council Starting Grant. This means that I am actively looking for a PhD student at the moment. Do let me know if you know someone who could be interested.

Sep. 27, 2022

Access to papers

I get a lot of questions from students about how to access some of the research work which we discuss in the lectures. In the world of academic publishing, stuff can indeed be hard to find. Here are some quick answers. First, most of my papers should be available by accessing my google scholar profile. Just click on the paper of interest and google should provide a suitable pdf locations.